Be on the lookout for fraudulent documents
Fraudulent product offerings (images can be seen below) referencing Manulife and Manulife Bank are currently in circulation. They promote inaccurate GIC rates and portray false information.
6 simple tips for safe online and mobile banking
Online and mobile banking make managing your money easier than ever. Here's how you can keep your account safe when you're banking from your computer or phone.
Why it’s easier than you think to get scammed
We often think that only ‘other people’ fall for the tricks of scammers. Sometimes, that makes us ignore red flags, to be defensive, and to hold out longer than we should when our money is at risk.
How to keep yourself safe from online scams
Does your average spending spree take place on your computer? Learn how to protect yourself from online scams while shopping.
Watch out for these common internet scams
When it comes to banking online, it’s important to stay up to date on the latest scams to protect yourself.
Sidestep scams and protect your identity to stop fraud
There are many things you can do to prevent fraud – no matter how it occurs – and reporting it can help minimize the damage. Learn what steps you can take today.
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