Manulife One testimonials
Manulife One is more than a mortgage or line of credit, it’s a better approach to managing your money. But don't take our word for it.
Hear what satisfied Manulife One customers from across Canada have to say.1
Featured testimonials
“Safe to say, we are now Manulifers”
Buying a rental property helped this couple gain financial security.
“A better way to pay down our mortgage”
Tyler paid off his mortgage in 9 years vs 30; a home owner’s dream.
"My children graduated debt
Manulife One helped Grace pay for her children’s education.
"Snapshot of our finances at my fingertips"
Alex enjoys simplified banking and money
“One of the most modern financial solutions available”
Pay less interest on your mortgage to be debt-free sooner.
Glad they switched
"We've experienced many benefits from our Manulife One account. We've saved at least $5,000 per year in interest payments which helped to pay down our debt faster than when we had multiple loans and a mortgage through another bank. We've been able to write out a cheque from our Manulife One to purchase RRSPs and then took pleasure in depositing the income tax refund cheque back into it afterwards.
And it was a great feeling to be able to walk into a vehicle dealership and purchase a brand new vehicle with a cheque. There were no worries about being approved for a bank loan or about paying more interest elsewhere.
We are thankful to have a very knowledgeable financial advisor who really cares about helping his clients become successful with debt management and retirement savings strategies. We both feel that [getting] a Manulife One account was the smartest and best thing we've done financially. Thank you!"
I'm a business analyst, so I approached this account with a lot of hesitation. After all, when something seems too good to be true it usually is, right? But after doing a couple of calculations to see what our interest would be, I closed out our other accounts (one of which we had for more than 25 years) and I've never looked back. In the six months since we moved to Manulife One we have reduced our mortgage by $10K. During this time, we lived normally and were even able to cover several unexpected expenses."
"We switched to a Manulife One account almost two years ago. We have paid off so much of our current mortgage that we were able to purchase our dream house in a perfect neighbourhood, while keeping our current house as a rental property. Our Manulife One has given us the ability to break free from conventional mortgages. With all the money we have saved, we are now facing a very bright financial future and being mortgage-free by age 35 is a very distinct possibility!"
Paying off their mortgage sooner
"For years we had a mortgage with another financial institution and never seemed to put a dent in our principal. In just over a year with our Manulife One, we have reduced the amount we owe by close to $30,000 and we think that is fantastic!"
"I’ve been quite impressed with the speed that I am able to reduce my overall debt with Manulife One. Even with a car purchase and a major bathroom renovation in the last few years, my balance is heading in the right direction. I only wish I had found this account sooner."
"We are your regular middle class hard working family and we’ve been able to pay off the majority of our mortgage in only 7 years with Manulife One."
"When we started our Manulife One account we had a substantial amount owing on our mortgage. Our Manulife One number was between 5 and 7 (years left on mortgage) and to our surprise we had our mortgage all paid off within a year and a half!"
"I switched my mortgage to Manulife One and I have been able to pay myself first. This means paying less interest and reducing my mortgage that much faster. I have been able to take years off my mortgage in just a short period of time it has given me the financial flexibility I’ve always needed."
Saving money
"We were paying significant fees on a variety of loans and credit cards and wanted to lower our repayment times. This was achieved with Manulife One and we will see financial freedom far sooner now. The plan that was put forward is easy to follow and now for the first time, we actually have savings building up."
"It has allowed us to reduce our mortgage quicker by organizing everything we need efficiently. The staff is knowledgeable and very helpful. Being able to have money available to pay off a credit card debt and move to a lower interest rate on my debt is an amazing feeling."
"Thanks to our Manulife One Account, my husband and I have been able to pay off our mortgage faster, pay less in interest (which means more money in our pockets!), and become completely debt-free. We're proud to be able to say that we have absolutely zero debt and our Manulife One Account had a lot to do with that. The peace of mind and financial freedom that this gives us is immense."
Experiencing financial security in retirement
"Manulife One has given me the financial security that I had been seeking for a long time. When you are retired your income is fixed, but unexpected expenses can bring insecurity. Manulife One gives me all of the security I need to meet these unforeseen expenses and [achieve] significant financial independence."
"Manulife One has given us the ability to organize and control our fiscal life in a way no other financial institution is able to. Indeed using the Manulife One has enabled us to retire earlier than [we] thought."
Starting a family with less worry
Being approved for a Manulife One account has made moving forward with our lives so much easier. We knew we wanted to buy a home, but we also knew we did not want to be 'house poor' or locked into set payments which could add years on to traditional mortgages. The Manulife One account lets us put every penny of our earnings toward interest/principal reduction.
The savings we have made in the few months since we opened the account are incredible. Because of the Manulife One we were able to buy a starter home in October and immediately make several small renovations we would not have been able to afford otherwise. Most importantly, because we feel so financially stable with such a manageable/flexible account, we were able to make another huge decision - to start a family.
We are expecting our first child in July, and because of the Manulife One, we know that we will be able to juggle maternity leave and the additional costs of our little addition with no anxiety around meeting our financial responsibilities. I thank you for the peace of mind to move forward with my family."
Enjoying financial flexibility
"When we first signed up for Manulife One, we were living in our townhouse and were able to pay down our mortgage very quickly. We moved to a new house and the process went well. We were able to completely renovate our unfinished basement at our own pace and cost – it was so easy to do. A huge plus was that we only increased the debt as we spent money on the renovations. We weren't paying interest on money that hadn't yet been spent like we would have with a traditional loan.
The online banking is very easy to use. We really like the way it's easy to set up bill payments, track our account history and get accurate information online. This saves a lot of time.
My wife went on mat leave in the second year of our Manulife One account so we had less income for one year but we didn't notice a thing financially. We were able to use the account to slowly increase our debt while she was off work and, when she went back, we were able to bring our debt load lower again. This is a fantastic plan!"
"We have the flexibility to keep doing upgrades on our house at our own pace without having to run back to the Bank for a loan for each project. With Manulife’s help, we are almost complete."
"Manulife has made a huge difference in our lives. We feel we have control over our finances and our mortgage is being paid down faster than we can believe. It has given us a freedom that we hadn't experienced before this. With Manulife we are in control. We would recommend this banking product to everyone."
Enjoying a simplified life
"Before Manulife One, my fiancée and I had a number of bank accounts, both personal and shared. I was responsible for some living expenses through my account and May was responsible for other payments through her account. That meant there was money just sitting in those accounts for most of the month. With Manulife One, when the money is deposited, it reduces the debt. And now, we can monitor and control all our payments.
It is easier to manage our spending habits as we can now see, on a daily basis, how much we are spending and on what. You can more easily manage your expenses and the money is available if and when you need it."
"It is so nice to manage all of our finances with one account, it has worked beautifully to manage our money and see our monthly costs. We recommend Manulife One to all our friends and family."
"With Manulife One I was able to pay off my debt faster. Not only that but if you have a bad month or need to replace something expensive you are able to do that without taking out an additional loan."
"Had I only known about Manulife One 20 years ago when I bought my first house, my financial situation would be vastly better than it is today. But Manulife Bank/Manulife One is a part of our life now and thanks to this concept, our budget is much simpler and user-friendly than before and we enjoy a financial independence that makes a real difference in the way we manage expenses and income. I will not hesitate to recommend Manulife Bank/Manulife One to my friends and family. Thanks Manulife One for all that you are!"
Experiencing life-changing freedom
"I am a hard working woman and a single mom. Manulife One has (given) me the opportunity to have a place to call home. This has given my son a chance to have a backyard and given me the opportunity to be proud of what I have. I really like the way it is helping me to put what I can on the principal. I can choose to be aggressive or not. Thanks for the wonderful flexibility."
"It has given me more financial breathing room. I had lost my job and my wife was training for a better job. Manulife One gave us more flexibility."
"My oldest was ready for university, I only had one car and my home needed renovations… I didn't know what expenses were coming my way and I wanted to be able to absorb surprises. Opening this account was perfect, I did not have to over borrow "in case" and then pay interest on an amount that was just sitting there. I had access to funds when I needed it and this was great in reducing my stress level! I was worried I would overspend but I find it encouraging seeing my overall balance in one place and I find I am motivated to keep it controlled. It took a little while to get used to thinking the Manulife way…. It seems like it is in reverse but we got used to it quickly."
Getting amazing customer service
"We heard about Manulife One through a friend of Mary's. To be frank, it seemed like an odd way to bank (I initially called it "backwards banking") but the friend was credible and helped answer some of our questions.
We met with a banking consultant at a coffee shop a few days later and he told us more about Manulife One. When we left one hour later, we still didn't understand everything but one thing was very clear – the interest charges on our total debt would be reduced by 40%. Also, all the debt would be consolidated into one monthly payment plus only $14 each month in total banking fees. We were paying more than $14 every month for overdraft protection and service charges at our existing bank. We wanted to save money so we agreed to sign up. The process was different than what we are used to – the representatives came to our house. They were all very professional and did a great job for us."
"What we love about Manulife One is the ability to pay down our line of credit as fast we like while enjoying a low interest rate. We are always treated with the utmost respect and care whenever we call in with questions or concerns. It is apparent that customer service is very important to Manulife and in today’s busy climate and impersonal services; we appreciate the service we get from Manulife Bank more than ever."
"Discovering the Manulife One account has made my everyday living easier. To begin with, I have a banking consultant who is always available and nice to deal with and your customer service staff (are) friendly and patient—that’s not a given at every bank! Next, I have a product that is easy to use, with flexible payments. It’s fantastic. Thank you."
Tools & resources
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See how Manulife One works
Manulife One is an all-in-one bank account combining your mortgage with your chequing and savings accounts and other debts within a single home equity line of credit. Learn how you could become mortgage-free sooner.

Mortgage life insurance
Like all life insurance, our mortgage life insurance is designed to protect your loved ones. It's an optional life insurance policy you can choose to purchase when you get your mortgage.

Get a credit card with your Manulife One & enjoy a special reward
By becoming a Manulife One customer plus a new ManulifeMONEY+™ Visa cardholder your Manulife One monthly account fee is waived for up to one year.
1 These stories contain real-life scenarios about a Manulife One client’s experience which have been edited for clarity and/or brevity. Individual experiences will vary.