Now, say you have credit card debt, a new car loan, and student debt. Once you know how much you can afford to pay toward your debts, how do you choose which debt to pay off first?
There are two primary strategies used to tackle debt: the snowball method and the avalanche method (sometimes called the stacking method).
The snowball method of debt repayment prioritizes small debt first. The logic behind this strategy is that by paying off several smaller debts quickly, you'll gain the momentum needed to deal with the larger debts.
If you choose the avalanche method, you'll start by tackling the one with the highest interest rate. This may not help you build momentum, but it will keep the total amount of money you'll ultimately pay as low as possible. Once you've paid off your first debt, move your budgeted debt repayment funds to the debt with the next highest interest rate. As you make progress, don't mind that strange sensation in your gut. It's just the satisfaction of mastering your money.
Tackling your debt on an entry-level salary is like playing a high-stakes game of Jenga. To pay it off, you have to pull money from another area of your budget, cross your fingers, and hope the whole thing doesn't collapse. That doesn't mean it's impossible to win, though. Sure, you can go the rest of your life making minimum debt payments, but that's money leaving your pocket every month that could go toward a house, an emergency fund, or even a vacation.
So seize the day. Then relax tomorrow.