Introducing our new online banking site and a new way to sign in


We’re very excited to announce two big updates: our new online banking site and Manulife ID, a convenient way to connect your personal Manulife products and accounts with a single username and password.

Manulife ID: a new way to access all your Manulife products

Your Manulife ID is your key to all things Manulife. It’s a single, secure username and password that connects to all your personal Manulife products and accounts, so you can access them all in one place. 

You’ll have to connect your Manulife Bank account(s) to your Manulife ID. After doing that, you’ll use your Manulife ID to sign into online banking and our mobile app, rather than using your Bank access number and password. You’ll also connect your Manulife ID with any other Manulife products you have – no more managing separate usernames and passwords for your different Manulife products. 

Learn more about creating your Manulife ID

Our new online banking site

For several years, we’ve heard your requests for a new online banking site – and it’s finally here! 

With your feedback in mind, we’ve redesigned our online banking site to make it easier than ever to manage your money. 

To use the new site, you need to set up your Manulife ID. Your Manulife ID will replace your current credentials and will provide an increased level of security for your account. 

Try out the new site
View our online banking guides